discover China-Summer Palace

kanji kat atas 2 bunyinye Yihe Yuan n maksudnye ialah 'Gardens of Nurtured Harmony' or Summer Palace.. aku g taman ni time aku kat Beijing tahun lepas.. Summer Palace ni berada di atas bukit yg digelar Longetivity Hill dan dikelilingi tasik Kunming.. its a very beautiful garden once made for the emperors and queens of China.. ni adalah gamba2 yg aku tngkap.. sori aku noob gler bab photography ni..

bronze Qilin statue

the Kunming Lake

the tower of Buddha


so sejarah tempat ni bermula 800 tahun yg lepas pabila emperor pertama Jin Dynasty, Wan Yanliang mengalihkan kerajaannye ke Longetivity Hill ni.. n there is dis one legend about an old man who found a large rock inside the Longtivity Hill n when he cracked the boulder, there was a jar.. inside the jar was objects of great value.. so the old man predicted that if the jar was to be moved form its place, the emperor's decline shall the jar was kept safe for many years, and until one day it was finally stolen n the legend became true.. even up to dis day, the Summer Palace still remain one of the most beautiful gardens in the world..

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