discover Hustle
Posted on Tuesday, 19 July 2011 by Muhammad Adam b. Mohd Amir
aku skrang ni tnga cuti, baru abeh sem 1.. bg aku la kan, cuti kat JAD ni x sedap tol.. nape yeh.. mngkin sebab cuti nye x panjang so aku x leh la nak plan baito or amek kursus ape2, n x terlalu pendek tok aku sekadar relax2 layan drama or anime.. first two days ok lg, stat third day dah bosan x taw nak watpe..haha..tulis blog jela nampaknye..
neway, korng pena dnga the word 'Hustle' x? kalo ikot oxford dictionary, maksudnye 'a confidence trick performed by hustlers or grifters'.. maksudnye scam la sng cite.. aku mmng suke tngok orng kena tipu(not literally) its juz dat its exciting to watch a perfectly thought of scam.. dats why aku suke gler tngok cite cam Oceans Eleven n Leverage.. btw, point aku ari ni ialah aku nak share pasal 1 show dr UK ni, its about popular modern day scam yg kerap berlaku everywhere.. so there is dis few professionals who'll be showing the scams n how to avoid it.. really nice.. enjoy..
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About Me
- Muhammad Adam b. Mohd Amir
- Just the average friendly guy u meet everyday.. travelling is my passion, it has always been a dream of mine to see every corner of the world.. i will further my studies in Japan next year..wish me luck..
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