discover China- Forbidden City, Beijing
Posted on Monday, 18 July 2011 by Muhammad Adam b. Mohd Amir
Awal Januari tahun lepas, aku ngan family aku, telah bertolak ke Beijing, China. Kebetulan selepas Beijing Olympics 2008, tiket ke Beijing became a lot cheaper, so ape lg, pg jela.. so i thought of sharing some of my experience there n share sket2 informasi yg aku pelajari semasa kat c2..
Forbidden City ni terletak kat tnga2 Beijing. tempat ni agak besar la, n damn panjang gler.. nak berjalan dr hujung ke hujung mmng letih.. sejarah tmpat ni aku x tahu sngt n i was not paying much atention to the tour guide at that time.. so aku cite jela takat ape yg aku tau..
Forbidden City ni terbahagi kepada 2, outer court n inner court.. outer court ni tmpat2 perayaan n official ceremony or watever.. n inner court ni terletaknye rumah raja n permaisuri.. its called Forbidden just because normal civilians cant enter it, its not mythical or anything like that.. but, nama2 bangunan jorng mmng epic gler.. cnth, nama tmpat tidur raja is called 'Palace of Hevenly Purity' n the queen's is called 'Palace of Earthy Tranquility'.. damn epic gler..
- ia adalah istana diraja sejak Ming Dynasty hngga Qing Dynasty
- for over 500 years, it served as the home of emperors ande their households
- over that time, it had served as a home for 24 emperors
- it took 15 years to build n required over a million workers
- terdiri dr 980 bangunan n 8707 bilik
- nama Cina nye ialah "Zijin Cheng" meaning 'purple palace'
- in 1860, the French took control of the Forbidden City and occupied it until the end of the Opium war
- when the Japanese invaded China in 1933, all treasures inside the Forbidden City was taken and was returned after the of the World War 2
- Forbidden City diisytiharkan sebagai tapak warisan dunia oleh UNESCO pada 1987
Posted in discover Places |
About Me
- Muhammad Adam b. Mohd Amir
- Just the average friendly guy u meet everyday.. travelling is my passion, it has always been a dream of mine to see every corner of the world.. i will further my studies in Japan next year..wish me luck..
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