July 2011

discover Seacraft-Earthrace Bio-diesel powered boat

speedboat yg didesign oleh Criag Loomes Design from New Zealand ni merupakan sebuah tri-hull wavepiercer which was built specifically to break the record of a powerboat.. the Eartrace was an advanced endurance vessel, capable of submarining up to 7m underwater with top speed of 50knots(92.6km/h)..it uses a 1080hp Cummins Mercruiser engine to operate.. mende paling awesome tntng boat ni ialah it can travel up to 24000 km at 6 knots on one tank of biodiesel..WTF!!?? that's half way across the globe.. damn, got to get me one of these... another WTF thing bout this boat is that it uses 100% biodiesel of SOYA BEAN which is totally renewable..damn it..

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discover Ship-ISHIN-II ferry concept

next year InsyaAllah, aku akan ke nihon(jepun) tok sambung blaja dalam bidang mechanical eng.. aku ni sejak kecik mmng minat laut ngan kapal.. so if all goes well, aku akan masuk Tokai University n amek course Naval Architecture n Ocean Engineering.. kat c2 aku leh blaja tentang pembuatan kapal di Jepun..doa2 kan la aku yeh kawan2..

so 2day i wanna talk about dis new ship design from Japan.. as u all know, orng Jepun ni mmng kepala hotak eco-friendly so ape2 technology jorng mesti ade element environment friendly.. so the ship i'm talking about is the ISHIN-II ferry.. kapal ni dibina oleh MITSUI OSK lines n its for passenger n cargo transportation..

whats so green about this ship is that it uses a Contra-Rotating Propeller(rotation in opposite direction)  system with a diesel engine n electric motor.. the great thing about the CRP is that it uses one engine to drive two propellers..the CRP will have no rotating airflow, pushing a maximum amount of water through the propeller disk resulting in high performance and low energy loss..

slain 2, kapal ni gak ade taruk solar panel kat tiap tingkap kabin.. kapal ni gak menggunakan air lubrication technology to reduce friction n collect n recirculate air.. the bottom of the ferry will be painted with ultra-low friction coating to create a smooth surface that reduce friction..nice..

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discover poster cool BERSIH

aku jumpe poster2 ni time aku bace blog orng laen, n becoz i think dat its super-badass-awesome, aku pon nak share ngan orng gak.. sori mr.blogger who i copied these pictures...lol

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discover Animepaper.net

kpd yg mereka yg otaku mcm aku ni, kalo korang tnga cr wallpaper anime yg cool2 tok desktop ke, boleh la pg ke link ni.....http://www.animepaper.net/ ....web ni jugak ade provide vector for people to get creative.. korng download vector2 n edit la kat photoshop supaya nampak cool.. really nice.. ni aku bg example wallpaper2 yg aku rase mmng awesome..

dis is one example of my own work.. xdela gerek mane, tp dapat gak r dalam 100 lebih download..lol

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discover Aircraft- V22 OSPREY

aku baru teringat pasal dis one plane i saw in Transformer 2: revenge of the fallen yg dr dulu aku nak share ngan orng.. its dis one bad-ass looking multi-function tiltrotor aircraft the Bell-Boeing V22 Ospray.. as u all know, helicopter ni kelebihan dia ialah its capability to do short, vertical takeoff and landing..tp top speed average hanya sekadar 250 kmph.. thats pretty slow.. so in 1980, the US military took the best of both plane n helicopter to make the V22 Ospray.. kat plane jorang pasang 2 enjin Rolls-Royce Allison yg mampu menghasilkan lebih 6000 hp..damn.. the V22 Ospray can go over 470 kmph..nice

usha video ni tok lihat bagaimana V22 ni takeoff n landing..

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discover Korea-Girl's Generation (SNSD)

post ni x relevan pon ngan travelling, but wat de hel, aku post je la.. so, there is dis one singing/dancing girl group from South Korea called Girl's Generation or So Nyu Shi Dae in korean.. once my friend show me one of their vid clips of their song called 'Gee' n ever since that i started to like them.. this is the vid clip..

damn.. nosebleed..

ni gamba desktop wallpaper aku..haha..click for full size..

so, a bit of facts about them.. SNSD was formed in 2007 under SM Entertainment.. they consists of 9 girls whose age range from 19 to 21..haha.. and i'm 20..coincidence, i dont think so..haha.. their first single was, 'Into the New World'.. most of the girls can speak fluently in Japanese and have made many singles in Japanese.. their lead vocal is Tae Yeon.. ni gamba dia.. damn kawaiii jann.. among their famous singles are, 'Gee', 'Mr. Taxi'(my personal fav) and 'Hoot'.. check out their vids at youtube..

Tae Yeon

oh n gamba ni de video jorang 'Sweet Delight' korng usha la, n jngn mara aku kalo hidung korang berdarah.. 

so which one do you like most? leave your interesting comment and responses below.. (RWJ style..haha)
me, i like Soo Young most.. damn i cant get enough of her cuteness..ni sekadar fan service for ya'll..haha

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discover China-Summer Palace

kanji kat atas 2 bunyinye Yihe Yuan n maksudnye ialah 'Gardens of Nurtured Harmony' or Summer Palace.. aku g taman ni time aku kat Beijing tahun lepas.. Summer Palace ni berada di atas bukit yg digelar Longetivity Hill dan dikelilingi tasik Kunming.. its a very beautiful garden once made for the emperors and queens of China.. ni adalah gamba2 yg aku tngkap.. sori aku noob gler bab photography ni..

bronze Qilin statue

the Kunming Lake

the tower of Buddha


so sejarah tempat ni bermula 800 tahun yg lepas pabila emperor pertama Jin Dynasty, Wan Yanliang mengalihkan kerajaannye ke Longetivity Hill ni.. n there is dis one legend about an old man who found a large rock inside the Longtivity Hill n when he cracked the boulder, there was a jar.. inside the jar was objects of great value.. so the old man predicted that if the jar was to be moved form its place, the emperor's decline shall begin..so the jar was kept safe for many years, and until one day it was finally stolen n the legend became true.. even up to dis day, the Summer Palace still remain one of the most beautiful gardens in the world..

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discover Bicycle Cards

i'm a sucker for magic tricks.. neway, aku nak cite pasal Bicycle Cards.. korng mngkin x pena denga pon pasal ni, sbb selama ni korng maen je card 2 tanpa amek taw pasal brand dia kan.. but this particular type of playing cards are different from any other brand.. why? i tell u in a sec..

so, the bicycle cards were produced by the United States Playing Card Company in 1885.. Bicycle Cards have an air-cushioned finished which improves the handling of the cards.. sbb 2 Bicycle card ni slalu digunakan dalam magic trick and flourishes(art of shuffling).. magician yg feymes2 mcm David Blaine, Cyril Takayama sume pakai Bicycle Card..

gamba kat atas ni adalah standard traditional Bicycle Card with a 'rider back'.. icon seekor pari2 naek basikal
ni lambang Bicycle Card.. i hav the red one.. u can buy it for RM15 a deck..

below are some of the other feymes deck..

this is the eco edition deck..
this is the pokerpeek series pro deck..

dis one lak is the Black Ghost edition.. harga lebih kurang seratus lebih gak r.. nak bli dowh..

the Black Scorpion Deck..totally epic..

last one, the super rare Transducer Deck..

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discover Hustle

aku skrang ni tnga cuti, baru abeh sem 1.. bg aku la kan, cuti kat JAD ni x sedap tol.. nape yeh.. mngkin sebab cuti nye x panjang so aku x leh la nak plan baito or amek kursus ape2, n x terlalu pendek tok aku sekadar relax2 layan drama or anime.. first two days ok lg, stat third day dah bosan x taw nak watpe..haha..tulis blog jela nampaknye..

neway, korng pena dnga the word 'Hustle' x? kalo ikot oxford dictionary, maksudnye 'a confidence trick performed by hustlers or grifters'.. maksudnye scam la sng cite.. aku mmng suke tngok orng kena tipu(not literally) its juz dat its exciting to watch a perfectly thought of scam.. dats why aku suke gler tngok cite cam Oceans Eleven n Leverage.. btw, point aku ari ni ialah aku nak share pasal 1 show dr UK ni, its about popular modern day scam yg kerap berlaku everywhere.. so there is dis few professionals who'll be showing the scams n how to avoid it.. really nice.. enjoy..

ATM scam

the Drop Swindle

Laptop Theft Scam

so wat da ya think? cool right.. neway kalo nak tngok lg, type 'The Real Hustle' kat utube.. n i hope u guys will be more careful from now on..who knows right.. it can happen anywhere..

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discover MIAT-Malaysian Ins. of Aviation Technology

bulan 10 tahun lepas, aku dapat email dr member aku yg study kat MIAT, Nilai, dia ajak dtng ke AERO carnival jorng.. so kebetulan time 2 pon aku xde mende nak wat, so aku pon g la ngan 4 orng membe aku..aku ni mmng minat ngan ape2 mende mekanikal, pesawat ke, kereta ke, kapal ke.. pas2 membe aku kate ade helicopter ride and i hav always wanted to ride one.. once we got there, we parked in front of this huge hangar.. in front they actually put some old used airplane for show.. here are some snaps..

so we went inside the hangar, and there was many booths.. so i met up with my friend and he took us around.. agak seronok la dapat lihat cam mane student2 kat cni blaja.. ade bnyk la kapal terbang nye parts n body everywhere.. aku pon terpikir la, maybe i should hav applied here u know.. mainly coz, i always hated studying in a class-like environment.. i prefer to study practically.. n the most interesting thing is the workshops.. there are many workshops, n each is for different things.. theres one for the plane's engine, one for the wing n even one for the plane's paint job.. student jorng pon x ramai sngt actually.. so aku pon dok tanye2 membe aku 2 mane nak naek helicopter nye, at last dia kate helicopter ride 2 x jadi but 2ka dngan air-balloon ride, lastly dua2 x jd..damn, what a let-down.. nyway, kalo korang or ade adik/friend yg mmng berminat nak study kapal terbang, bole la apply cni.. MIAT ni bawah UniKL.. more snaps..

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